
Seminar in Creative Writing – Fiction (Summer)

Professor: Sharon English
Course code: WRR311H1
Format: Seminar

About this course

This workshop-based course teaches students about the creative writing process and the fundamentals of writing fiction specifically. Through readings of fiction in various genres, discussions, creative writing prompts and longer assignments, students learn how storytellers work with setting, character, scenes, structure, point-of-view, style and other elements.

Students will learn how to take creative risks and grow through writing fiction, how to develop solid work from shaky drafts, how to be generous yet shrewd editors of their own and others’ work, and how and why to be active in a writing community.

Your instructor

Good to know

Recommended preparation:

Exclusions: INI311Y1, WRR311Y1

Distribution requirements:

Breadth requirements: Creative and Cultural Representation (1)

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